18.02.2023 16.07.2023
Casa Cavazzini
Dipinto con Salvador Dalí visto di spalle mentre dipinge Gala vista di spalle

Salvador Dalí
Dalí seen from behind while painting Gala seen from behind eternalised by six virtual corneas provisionally reflected by six real mirrors
Oil on canvas
Figueres, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí

As the title suggests, the exhibition is an artistic meditation on the journey from a man lost in incommunicability to a man found in intersubjectivity.

Nineteenth- and twentieth-century art very often returns to the fact that human beings must find their way out of a perspective of structural individualism, methodical egocentrism, philosophies of the subject, or a vision of universal mutual hostility. All distant, all competing. Relationality, in such perspectives, appears to be an accidental addition to an already complete substance, while conflictuality appears so radical that it leads us to explain and experience social relations in terms of protecting the individual’s freedoms and as a state of opposition to someone who abuses both the world and us. From the logic of proximity and the moral duties of brotherly love, justice and gift, we gradually slide towards an approach to life and society in which the maximum effort is to offer us at best a certain mutual tolerance and whose greatest benefit seems to be privacy. Even birth and death are no longer information that can be publically asked and certified; they are the so-called ‘sensitive’ data of beings who are perhaps on the verge of losing their sensibilities.

Between nineteenth- and twentieth-century art has frequently depicted this drift, the progressive disorientation of the subject and the perception of an imprisonment of the ego and, gradually, of its own disintegration into an elusive enigmaticity and consequently into an underlying incommunicability. Proust, Joyce, Kafka, Sartre, in literature, parallel what happens in many paintings from the mid-nineteenth century onwards.

A different concept of man, which has developed in parallel in the West over the past hundred years, starting with Emmanuel Mounier and Jacques Maritain, passing through Jurgen Habermas, and ending with Paul Ricoeur, focuses on communitarian personalism and intersubjectivity. The ancient invitation of knowing thyself constitutively implies the recognition of otherness and the inclusion of each in the connection with others.

No one really knows himself and the world except the acknowledgments or non-acknowledgments experienced in his life of relationships. The art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has often manifested this irrepressible desire of human beings to establish bonds, to recognize themselves in others, to live for communion, despite a multitude of limitations.

After the season of Enlightenment rationalism, which had its correlative in the formal perfection pursued by Neoclassicism, almost as a counterpoint, the culture of the West was traversed by a Romantic fever that put the theme of the great passions, interpersonal and collective, back at the center of attention: the feeling of love, friendship, patriotic sentiment and the social, corporate one. Thus, from Romanticism to the present day, an art journey unfolds that testifies to how interconnected we are.

The exhibition Together will give us food for thought, and arouse powerful emotions and intimate memories. The path of the exhibition – which will extend over ten exhibition rooms on the second floor of Casa Cavazzini – starts from the struggle to emerge from oneself or to find open doors and then makes us rethink the fundamental experiences of contact and connection with others, with creatures, and with God.


Dipinto con i tre re Magi inginocchiati di fronte a Maria e Gesù

George Spencer Watson
Three wise kins
Oil on canvas
Touchstones Rochdale,
Rochdale Arts & Heritage Service

Dipinto di un gruppo di donne viste di profilo che corrono

Renato Guttuso
The miners’ women of Lercara during a strike
(The miners’ women)
Oil on canvas
Rovereto, MART Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea
di Trento e Rovereto, Collezione VAF-Stiftung

Dipinto di un uomo in ginocchio davanti a una donna a braccia aperte

Karl Borschke
At the source of life
1918 circa
oil on canvas
Vienna, Belvedere

Dipinto di una stanza vuota con un lettino disfatto e una macchia di sangue sul pavimento di legno

Gianfranco Ferroni
Interior unmade bed
Oil on cardboard
Milan, Giuseppe Iannaccone Collection

Dipinto di un bambino che porge delle fragole a una bambina nel bosco. Il boscaiolo padre della bambina sullo sfondo.

John Everett Millais
The woodman’s daughter
Oil on canvas
London, City of London,
Guildhall Art Gallery

Dipinto di un uomo anziano con la barba bianca che guarda verso di noi e appoggia la mano sulla cornice del quadro

John Collier
Oil on canvas
Plymouth, The Box Plymouth

Dipinto di un paesaggio ventoso con sei donne che si tengono per mano camminando in cerchio

Franz von Stuck
Circle dancing
Tempera on panel
Varsavia, Muzeum Narodowe


André Victor Édouard Devambez
The misunderstood
1903 – 1904
Oil on canvas
Quimper, Musée des Beaux Arts


Tibor Csernus
Joseph tells his brothers about his dreams
Oil on canvas
Budapest, Hungarian National Gallery


Our location

Casa Cavazzini
Via Cavour, 14
33100 - Udine



14.00 - 18.00




09.30 - 18.30




09.00 - 20.00

Last admission

80 minutes before closing time

Please arrive at the exhibition at least 10 minutes before your scheduled visit for admission and ticket procedures.

On monday 24th and on thuesday 25th April, on monday 1st May and on friday 2nd June the exhibition will be open from 9 am to 8 pm